“L.E.L.: The Lost Life and Scandalous Death of Letitia Elizabeth Landon, the Celebrated ‘Female Byron,’” by Lucasta Miller, analyzes the work and career of the now obscure poet.
Mike Chase’s “How to Become a Federal Criminal” is, as its subtitle promises, “an illustrated handbook for the aspiring offender.” It’s also very funny.
The playwright and author, most recently, of “The Apology” would invite James Baldwin, Hannah Arendt and Anaïs Nin for dinner. “Topics might include: God, death, erotica, totalitarianism.”
Savor English translations of Maylis de Kerangal’s “The Cook,” Olivier Bourdeaut’s “Waiting for Bojangles” and Yannick Haenel’s “Hold Fast Your Crown.”
In her memoir, “Under Red Skies: Three Generations of Life, Loss, and Hope in China,” Karoline Kan personalizes the great changes occurring in her country.