Teacher Reference Center
A research database for teachers which provides indexing and abstracts for more than 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include Best Practices, Curriculum Development, Literacy Standards, Pedagogical Research, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Science & Mathematics, School Administration, and more.
The Solar System Provides a tour of the planets, asteroids, stars, comets, and other celestial bodies of our stellar neighborhood, as well as the natural processes that affect them. Use this online portal to search our whole collection of Salem Press titles.
TumbleBook Library
Animated talking picture books, readalongs, Tumble TV, Tumble Puzzles and games. Fun for kids. View Tutorial
Tutor.com Students of all ages and job seekers can connect with a certified online tutor to find the help they need. Provides homework help and assessment quizzes for students as well as resume and cover letter templates, interview guidelines and more for job seekers. View Tutorial
Weapons and Warfare
Information on the various types of weapons used by mankind from the simple handheld weapons of early civilizations to the technologically advanced weapons used by nations throughout the modern world. Use this online portal to search our whole collection of Salem Press titles.