NJ Helps Resource for programs, information and services provided by the Department of Human Services and its partners, to assist individuals, families and communities in New Jersey.
The Palace Project - The New Jersey State Library Provides New Jersey residents access to content in the Palace Project app. This content includes the Digital Public Library of America's curated Palace Bookshelf, as well as the perpetually-licensed Boundless (formerly Axis 360) titles and Palace Marketplace titles purchased by the NJSL. In total, these 3 collections comprise 20,000+ titles. (Requires free download of The Palace Project App).
Novelist K-8 Plus
Coverage of over 9,000 fiction and nonfiction tiles recommended for grades K through 8.
NoveList Plus
A complete readers' resource containing reviews on over 200,000 fiction and nonfiction titles included, plus read a-likes, discussion guides, recommended reads and more.Updated regularly. View Tutorial
OverDrive eBooks and eAudiobooks eBook and eAudiobook collection available to patrons 24/7 through the Atlantic County Library System's partnership with the South Jersey Regional Library Consortium. View Tutorial
OverDrive eMagazines
A digital service which allows users to search, browse & checkout 3,000+ downloadable magazines in 18+ different languages, including bookazines and adult coloring book titles.
Points of View Reference Center
A full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. Covers 200 topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument).
Primary Search
Designed specifically for elementary school libraries and public library children's rooms. It contains full text for more than 60 popular, elementary school magazines.
Psychology and Mental Health Covers a wide variety of issues, conditions, and theories in the field of psychology and mental health. Biographies of major pioneers and figures in psychology are also examined as well as the psychological concepts they were instrumental in developing. Use this online portal to search our whole collection of Salem Press titles.
Reference Solutions
Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) can help you find answers to a wide variety of questions. Common uses are finding businesses based on employee size, sales volume, type of business and location. Subscription is provided by the New Jersey State Library. View Tutorial