“Ordinary Human Failings,” a new novel by the Irish writer Megan Nolan, is a fierce and relentless account of characters trapped by circumstance and tragedy.
In Rebecca K Reilly’s book, “Greta & Valdin,” two 20-something siblings navigate love, identity and growing up while wading through the maelstrom of contemporary life.
David Grann’s best seller has been turned into an Oscar-nominated film. In this episode, Gilbert Cruz talks about both versions with The Times’s A.O. Scott.
An F. B.I. rookie hunts for a serial killer, four friends seek reparations, a daughter searches for her mother and a community looks for answers in four new mysteries.
An F. B.I. rookie hunts for a serial killer, four friends seek reparations, a daughter searches for her mother and a community looks for answers in four new mysteries.
Veera Hiranandani’s “Amil and the After” and Saadia Faruqi’s “The Partition Project” show that the rending of the subcontinent is as relevant and heartbreaking as ever.
“Where you choose to direct your senses, step by step, matters,” says the eminent nature writer. His 30th book, “With Every Great Breath: New and Selected Essays, 1995-2023,” is out in February.