In which we consult the Book Review’s past to shed light on the books of the present. This week: Margaret Mead on John McPartland’s history of sex in the U.S.
Samira Ahmed — whose Y.A. novel, “Love, Hate & Other Filters,” stars a Muslim Indian-American teenager — describes how her own experiences shaped her story.
From Ovid and Baudelaire to Nabokov, Roth and E. L. James, some of the most seminal texts in literary history are also among the most erotic. Herewith, a selection of 50 book jackets (arranged in order of original publication) that have become as iconic as the risqué work within.
In the 1970s, books like Judy Blume’s “Forever” showed teenagers that sex was natural and pleasurable. Now it’s more often a danger zone. What happened?