In “The Ice at the End of the World,” Jon Gertner recounts a sprawling history of adventurers and scientists who have tried to unlock the secrets of this vast polar expanse.
On the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, these picture books show young readers the historic journey — and some of the 410,000 people who made it possible.
Amber Scorah’s memoir, “Leaving the Witness,” recounts a tale of disillusion and ultimate apostasy as she decides to turn away from the faith she’s known since birth.
A short list of books includes a personal memoir about a family’s struggle with schizophrenia, a history of psychiatry and an exploration of how tyrants think.
“Unlike some of my hard science fiction books, such as ‘Seveneves’ — where I sweated the details of orbits, rocket engines, etc. — ‘Fall’ is meant to be read as more of a fable,” he says.