The actor who brought Omar to life in “The Wire” had recently devoted himself to anti-violence work in Black communities in Brooklyn. And then he died.
The novelist and memoirist, whose new book is “A Place in the World: Finding the Meaning of Home,” was disappointed by D.H. Lawrence: “He had a genius for sense of place, but his travel narratives are marred by petty narcissism. Must have been a dreary travel companion.”
With a reputation for having more authors per capita than any other country, Iceland is a destination for readers. Olaf Olafsson, whose most recent book is “Touch,” leads a literary stroll through its capital.
Three new books — “Calling for a Blanket Dance,” “Stories From the Tenants Downstairs” and “Sirens & Muses” — explore intimate worlds and communities, as seen through a multitude of perspectives.