“Magnificent Rebels,” by Andrea Wulf, paints a vivid portrait of the 18th-century German Romantics: brilliant intellectuals and poets who could also be petty, thin-skinned and self-involved.
In “The Long Alliance,” Gabriel Debenedetti traces how political leaders of different generations and contrasting temperaments helped each other succeed.
In “Who’s Raising the Kids?” Susan Linn’s searing indictment of corporate greed, tech companies targeting children are rivaled only by the lawmakers who let them get away with it.
In “Lessons,” the hero is seduced by his piano teacher when he’s 14, then abandoned by his wife while he passively watches history unfold. Are these events connected?
John T. McGreevy’s exhaustive “Catholicism: A Global History From the French Revolution to Pope Francis” explains how debates within the church got so fierce.
The novelist talks about her Pulitzer-winning book, which includes one chapter written as a PowerPoint presentation, and Stephen Fry discusses Greek mythology.