Creative Crafts with Conversation - Open to adults. Registrations required. Chat with friends old and new as you create your very own masterpiece. Sponsored by the Atlantic County Library Foundation. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
April: Bee Hive Candle Holder - Winter is over and we're making bee-autiful spring decor to celebrate.
May: Pressed Flower Lantern - Create your own spin on " April showers bring May flowers".
Open to ages 6-14. Registration required. Read a story to therapy dogs, Erin, Kody, Fritz, and Frieda, who love sharing stories with children. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
Open to adults. Registration required.
The Galloway Writing Group, led by Scott Gray, is a place where anyone with an interest in writing (fiction, nonfiction, prose, poetry, etc) can meet with other members of the community and discuss the craft, find encouragement, and develop habits to help improve. All programs subject to change or cancellation
Scott Gray is a participant in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
Open to adults. Registration required. Join us as we travel around the world through the power of the written word. All programs are subject to change or cancellation.
April: New Jersey This fun program starts off close to home as we discuss books that take place in, or offer information about, New Jersey.
May: Paris Travel to the capital of France as we experience the romance of “The City of Lights”.
Open to ages 6-14. Registration required. Read a story to therapy dogs, Erin, Kody, Fritz, and Frieda, who love sharing stories with children. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
Creative Crafts with Conversation - Open to adults. Registration required. Chat with friends old and new as you create your very own masterpiece. Face masks are optional. All programs are subject to change or cancellation.
January: Epsom Salt Votive - Open to adults. Registration required. This winter keep both you and your home warm and cozy with a unique twist on a snowy classic.
February: Heart Inspired Decor - Open to adults. Registration required. Create a peaceful and loving space all year long with a simple heart.
March: Bunny Ears Centerpiece - Open to adults. Registration required. Brighten up any room with this charming centerpiece.
Open to ages 6-14. Registration required. Read a story to therapy dogs, Erin, Kody, Fritz, and Frieda, who love sharing stories with children. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
Open to adults. Registration required.
The Galloway Writing Group, led by Scott Gray, is a place where anyone with an interest in writing (fiction, nonfiction, prose, poetry, etc) can meet with other members of the community and discuss the craft, find encouragement, and develop habits to help improve. All programs subject to change or cancellation
Scott Gray is a participant in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).