Wednesday Family Game Night
Children 9 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
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Open to ages 6-14. Registration required. Read a story to therapy dogs, Erin, Kody, Fritz, and Frieda, who love sharing stories with children. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
Open to adults. Registration required.
The Galloway Writing Group, led by Scott Gray, is a place where anyone with an interest in writing (fiction, nonfiction, prose, poetry, etc) can meet with other members of the community and discuss the craft, find encouragement, and develop habits to help improve. All programs subject to change or cancellation
Scott Gray is a participant in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
Open to adults. Registration required. Come out to explore the darker side of books. Get your blood flowing as we focus on dark fiction, thrillers, mysteries, science fiction and horror. All programs subject to change or cancellation.
January - The Thursday Murder Club by Richard OsmanFebruary - The Wife Between Us: A Novel by Greer HendricksMarch - The House Across the Lake by Riley Sagertestxml -
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