Crochet Group
All programs subject to change or cancellation.
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Open to ages 13 and older. Registration required. Local author and comedian Tony DiGerolamo, discusses his new novel series, The Pineys, along with the Jersey Devil, South Jersey Witches and other local folklore. The series is about a family of hunters who hunt the kin of the Jersey Devil. All programs are subject to change or cancellation.
Open to children ages 2-5 accompanied by an adult. Registration required. Indoor story time- look for Miss Beth in the downstairs meeting room. Enjoy an interactive program that promotes early learning and a happy heart and mind! Registration required.
. Surprise themes
. Stories to inspire curiosity and joy
. Songs, sign language and fingerplay
. Balance & movement games
. Mindful sensory learning (exploring our five senses)
. Take-and-Make crafts kits
. Guardians must remain present.
. Face masks are optional. Social-distancing still in effect.
. Sponsored by the Atlantic County Library Foundation