Each account it allowed a combined total of up to 50 borrowed items and 50 hold requests.
Adult & Young Adult Items
- Books: A total of 50 may be borrowed. Typically 3 weeks but loan periods vary depending on item type, maximum 3 on one topic.
- 2BOOKS2GO: A total of 2 for 7 days. (Special collection of new and popular books.)
- Audiobooks: A total of 6 may be borrowed for 3 weeks.
- Magazines: A total of 10, with a maximum of 3 of one title, may be borrowed for 3 weeks.
- Music CDs: A total of 6 may be borrowed for 3 weeks.
- DVDs: A total of 4 DVDs can be borrowed for a 7 day loan period and the borrower must be 18 years old. There is no charge for these items if returned by their due date. However, after the 7 day checkout period, late fees will be assessed daily. Late fees will also be assessed in between original date of return and renewal date if they are not immediately subsequent to each other.
- 2MOVIES2GO: A total of 2 for 2 days. Borrower must be 18. (Current, in demand, DVDs.)
- Playaway Audiobooks: A total of 6 Playaway audiobooks can be borrowed for a 21 day loan period.
- Wi-Fi Hotspot: 1 device may be borrowed per adult patron for 14 days.
Juvenile Items
- Books: A total of 50 may be borrowed. Typically 3 weeks but loan periods vary, maximum 3 on one topic.
- Audiobooks: A total of 6 may be borrowed for 3 weeks.
- DVDs: A total of 4 Juvenile DVDs can be borrowed for a 7 day loan period by all patrons.
- Playaways: A total of 2 Playaway Views/Tablets/Kits can be borrowed for a 7 day loan period by all patrons.
- Playaway Audiobooks: A total of 6 Playaway audiobooks can be borrowed for a 21 day loan period.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended for accounts with fines of $6.00 or more and/or with overdue Juvenile items.
Borrowed items may be returned at any branch.
All items, except Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials, may be renewed as long as they are not on request by another person, have not reached their renewal limit, and/or the patron's status is not blocked.
Adult & Young Adult Items
If eligible, patrons can renew these items in person, by signing in to their account online or by calling any branch.
- Books, Audiobooks, Magazines and Music CDs may be renewed up to 4 times.
- Items from the "2Books2Go" and "2Movies2Go" collections may not be renewed.
- DVDs and Playaway Views may only be renewed one time for an additional 7 days if there are no holds on the items.
- Wi-Fi Hotspots may be renewed for an additional 14 days, up to 2 times, if there on no holds on the item.
Juvenile Items
If there are no holds on the item, or if the patron is not already “blocked,” ALL Juvenile material will automatically renew itself on their due date.
- Juvenile Books, Audiobooks, Magazines and Music CDs will renew up to 3 more times.
- Juvenile DVDs will renew 1 more time.
Fines & Forfeitures
You are encouraged to return all items on time so they are available for others.
Adult & Young Adult Items
- Overdue fines are charged for late returns; amounts vary according to Item type. Late fees will also be assessed in between original date of return and renewal date if they are not immediately subsequent to each other.
- Books, Audiobooks, Music CDs and magazines: .05¢ per day, maximum fine $2.00 per item.
- 2BOOKS2GO: .25¢ per day, maximum fine $2.00 per item.
- DVDs, 2M2GO, Playaway Views: .50¢ per day, maximum fine $2.00 per item.
- ILL Items: .05¢ per day, $6.00 no pick-up fee.
- Wi-Fi Hotpots: $1 per day, maximum fine $10 per item.
- Replacement Fee: Cost of item (varies).
- Processing Fee: $2.00 per item.
- After 120 days from last allowed due date, the item will be considered lost, and incur the replacement and processing fee.
- Checkout privileges will be forfeited when fines total $6.00 or more.
Juvenile Items
- No fines. Checkout privileges are forfeited for late returns.
- If the Juvenile items are not returned after the very last due date allowed, the patron’s status will be blocked and they will not be permitted any more checkouts or renewals until the item is returned.
- After 90 days from last allowed due date, the item will be considered lost and incur the replacement and processing fee.
Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Library Materials & Equipment
- You are responsible for the replacement costs, plus a $2.00 processing fee, for any damaged, lost or stolen items that were checked out on your library card.
- Charges for Interlibrary Loan items are set by, and paid to, the original lending library. Contact the Resource Center for more information.
- The library is not responsible for any damage to your equipment that occurs while playing a library’s DVDs, Audiobooks, Music CDs and Playaways.
- The library is not responsible for any damage or virus to your devices that may result from using the Mobile Wi-Fi Hotpots.
- There will be no refunds issued for lost materials already paid for by library patrons.