Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is cooperative lending program that allows our patrons access to millions of items nationwide and lets you request items not owned by us. You may request books, CDs, DVDs, videos and audiobooks using this service.
Requests can be made online through a Jerseycat* search, by contacting our Interlibrary Loan Office at 609-625-2776, ext. 6333 or by visiting one of our local branches. If the item cannot be located through Jerseycat, fill out a Request Materials Form.
*Jerseycat is New Jersey’s statewide virtual catalog and interlibrary loan system. It is provided to member libraries within New Jersey by the New Jersey State Library and LibraryLinkNJ, the New Jersey Library Cooperative.
Another option is to suggest a purchase. Please be advised that there is no guarantee when or if the item will be acquired.