Dennis Staples’s “This Town Sleeps,” Celia Laskey’s “Under the Rainbow” and Nana Oforiatta Ayim’s “The God Child” feature outsiders in unwelcome territory.
Struggling to pay off her student loans, Eliese Colette Goldbach applied for a job as a steelworker. Her memoir, “Rust,” explores her “complicated love” for the mill that hired her.
In “The Power Notebooks,” the author known for her polemical feminism examines her relationships with men, exposing the ways in which she’s ceded power as often as taken it.
In the early 1930s, Kahlo visited San Francisco, New York and Detroit. “Frida in America,” by Celia Stahr, explores how the trip transformed the artist and her work.
In Sara Pennypacker’s “Here in the Real World,” an 11-year-old skips out on the horrors of noisy summer “Rec” to build a secret kingdom in an abandoned lot.