In Mark Oppenheimer’s “Squirrel Hill,” he chronicles the aftermath of the Tree of Life shooting and how it affected the tightly knit Pittsburgh Jewish community.
“Lean Fall Stand,” a new book by Jon McGregor, and “Storm,” a new edition of a 1941 book by George R. Stewart, examine the unpredictable power of extreme weather events.
Piketty’s “Time for Socialism” is a collection of recent pieces criticizing the maldistribution of wealth in the West and tracing his own political evolution.
Consisting of just 15 poems, “Winter Recipes From the Collective” extends the Nobel laureate’s interest in silence and the void, Elisa Gabbert writes in her latest column.
In “Read Until You Understand,” Farah Jasmine Griffin explores how books have served as instruction manuals to guide her through difficulty and triumph.