In a brash, irreverent story collection, “Night of the Living Rez,” Morgan Talty illuminates life and death on the Penobscot Indian Nation reservation.
“I easily fall asleep and end up with a soggy bloated creature rather than a legible book,” says the author, whose new novel is “Fellowship Point.” “This works out well for the authors, as I always go buy another copy.”
“I easily fall asleep and end up with a soggy bloated creature rather than a legible book,” says the author, whose new novel is “Fellowship Point.” “This works out well for the authors, as I always go buy another copy.”
The award-winning Portuguese novelist Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida recommends books to help readers get to know Portugal’s vibrant capital, and spots to read them if you go.
The award-winning Portuguese novelist Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida recommends books to help readers get to know Portugal’s vibrant capital, and spots to read them if you go.
Davey Davis’s new novel, “X,” is a queer noir set in a near-future world full of inexplicable violence, “exported” undesirables and an encyclopedia’s worth of sexual deviance.