Nicole Krauss' new novel, Forest Dark, tells two stories concurrently: a man at the end of a financially successful life searching for meaning, and a younger woman writer searching for meaning as her marriage collapses. The only thing that connects them is a building on the other side of the world.
Kij Johnson works fresh magic with an old story in The River Bank, a sequel to The Wind in the Willows that introduces two new characters, Miss Mole and Miss Rabbit, but keeps the original's charm.
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In his new book, Stephen Greenblatt argues that the world wouldn't be the same without the story of Adam and Eve — the primal narrative that shapes how we think about almost everything.
(Image credit: Jennifer Kerrigan/NPR)
Franklin Foer's new book on the collision of technology and democracy is heavily informed by his unhappy 2014 departure from The New Republic, after its takeover by Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes.
(Image credit: Emily Bogle/NPR)
In Nicole Krauss' new novel, two characters move to Israel in search of fresh starts. But this strained tale of midlife crisis takes some odd turns and never quite coheres.
(Image credit: Jennifer Kerrigan/NPR)