Karina Sainz Borgo's novel follows a woman dealing with the death of her mother while trying to escape the violence and scarcity gripping Venezuela — an anarchy the book presents in shocking detail.
(Image credit: Beth Novey/NPR)
For October, our kids' books columnist Juanita Giles praises picture book author Todd Parr and his insight into the emotional needs of children who are dealing with loss, change — and other children.
(Image credit: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
You won't get a full picture of Prince from this book, but it does manage to pierce through some of the mystery the renowned artist purposely cultivated around and about himself.
(Image credit: Penguin Random House)
The anthology demonstrates that American women are just now at the starting line of exploring and understanding their anger; it's more about how they live with anger than about what makes them angry.
(Image credit: Seal Press)
Surrealist writer and poet Silvina Ocampo has been called "the best kept secret of Argentine letters," and two new translations have beautifully captured her evocative prose style for new readers.
(Image credit: City Lights Publishers)
Ruta Sepetys' new young adult novel is set in Spain in the 1950s, during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. A teenaged American tourist in Madrid falls for a local, with eye-opening consequences.
(Image credit: Philomel Books)
Throughout his career, Edmund Morris repeatedly showed boredom, even disdain, for the traditional biography. In turn, he sometimes injected his books with an artistic flair that got in the way.
(Image credit: Random House)
Le Carré's latest novel presents an aging, embittered spy dealing with multiple claims on his loyalties — and a challenger to his supremacy at badminton, a sport le Carré himself played and loves.
(Image credit: Beth Novey/NPR)