Nothing is just one thing in Bliss Montage: Satire swirls into savagery; a gimmicky premise into poignancy. Ma writes with such authority that readers are simply swept along.
(Image credit: MacMillan)
The TV creator's memoir was written in collaboration with his wife and daughters, who helped him piece together thoughts and memories that evade him due to Alzheimer's disease.
(Image credit: Random House)
In this expansive novel, which ranks among McEwan's best work, a man assesses his life's trajectory from childhood to old age, focusing especially on what he considers wrong turns and disappointments.
(Image credit: Knopf)
Perhat Tursun's novel explores human rights abuses against China's Uyghur minority through one man's search for a home. The author himself has been imprisoned and a co-translator has disappeared.
(Image credit: Columbia University Press)