In “Seduced by Story,” the literary critic Peter Brooks argues that a “mindless valorization of storytelling” has crept into every aspect of public discourse, from politics to cookie packages, with alarming results.
Since 2000, more than 150 journalists have been killed in Mexico. Among them is Regina Martinez, a veteran journalist reporting on government corruption and human rights abuses in Veracruz state.
In a new memoir, “README.txt,” the former military intelligence analyst tells her life story and explains her decision to blow the whistle on U.S. actions in the Middle East.
Dating from 1100, the fourth known Maya codex reveals this ancient civilization’s staggering understandings of — and reverence for — time, the cosmos and the role of the human scribe.
In her new memoir, “Newsroom Confidential,” Margaret Sullivan argues that traditional ideas about reportorial objectivity need to be re-examined in an era of constant assaults on truth.
The writer, celebrated for his short stories, discusses his 2017 debut novel, and the journalist Patrick Radden Keefe talks about “Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland.”