Jack Bittle's book takes a look at several communities that have been affected by climate change, and how the lives of their residents — those who have survived — have been altered by extreme weather.
(Image credit: Simon & Schuster)
Literary editor Will Schwalbe's new book is a tale about connecting across divides — which is particularly heartening in our polarized culture.
(Image credit: Knopf)
UnCovered review by Matt DiBella, ACLS Director
WORLD’S MOST CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY is an inside look at one of the most
internationally sought after technology in the modern world. This book provides
the history and background on how scientists developed one of the most
influential pieces of technology by switching from vacuum tubes to placing tiny
transistors on a silicon wafer. From there the growth of microprocessors has
grown exponentially along with their impact on our daily lives. Today
microprocessors can be found in PCs, cellphones, automobiles, and
refrigerators. Over the past three years, their design and production has
played an even bigger role in politics and international relations. Author
Chris Miller provides a full view into the science, production, business, and
politics that goes into designing and producing one of the most valuable pieces
of technology in the modern world.
The long days of January and February usually herald some great reads featuring crime, suspense and — everyone's favorite — murder.
(Image credit: Meghan Collins Sullivan/NPR)